On Tuesday the 22nd 2020 Te Ana Ako, we made paper rockets out of coloured paper. First we were given a red stripe of paper and I got to choose our coloured circle and cut them out. We also made wings with left over pieces of paper. Second we got out red stripe of paper, then we rolled it into a small medium size a bit into a long circle. Then we taped it together. Thirdly we put that aside and made the hat. I chose the colour white for my hat and wings. We cut the circle out and put a small cut on the hat, Then I grabbed the hat ends of the cut and we taped it together. We used the left over paper bits to cut out wings. I could cut out three or two wings. After I made the wings I taped it onto my long red circle. I also taped my hat on the top leaving the bottom part empty. It took me a while to glue to hat on the circle because it kept coming off. Once I finally finished the teacher had two pumps that were a blue colour. So we put our paper rocket on the tube part and then we pressed the pump, The paper rocket went flying. Some rockets didn't work. Mine did kind of. I was happy my rocket launched off because some took two days to finish, like mine. Some had two days to finish because we had a short amount of time on the day we started our rockets.
My rocket ^